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ROMBY Crack Code Activation


Updated: Mar 19, 2020

About This Game In ROMBY you will earn points by placing 4 and even more figures of one color in a straight line. Earn more points and open all hidden girls. Trust me it won't be easy.- Every round is unique- Fast and fun gameplay- Great soundtrack- Global rating and achievements- Lots of missions- Girls 7aa9394dea Title: ROMBYGenre: Casual, Indie, StrategyDeveloper:Black Lime StudioPublisher:Black Lime StudioRelease Date: 26 Jul, 2017 ROMBY Crack Code Activation game is cool girls too but game play is holy F>>>ed up u know some missions u should destroy blue figures but u hardly can find 5 or 6 and when u play one figure game adds another figure that f up the all youre game but music still good. Lets ignore the women scattered all over this game and talk about ROMBY. Its a good puzzle game that's based on both skill and luck to connect lines of four or more colors. When you place a diamond on the grid, the game assigns a different diamond on the grid. When the grid fills up, its game over so games never take more than a few minutes.Strategy is simple, setup two long lines in a row and then combine them. That's risky with so much luck involved of where the game places its random diamond. Once you make a line of four or more there's a score multiplier that appears and starts counting down with each second. So its wise to have a bunch of 3 in a row ready before you line one up and go through a bunch more. However, that's more luck as the next diamond you get is a random color. A good feature would be to save 2 colored blocks to place later.Now its time to discuss the women and their role in the game... they're trophies for a specific mode. Well for Steam lets call them visible achievements. You play a specific mode where you select 8 silhouettes and achieve things to make them appear. Things such as score 700 points and get a score multiplier of 3. As you achieve things the women will come into focus on the side. Since you select the silhouettes individually, you can't unlock them all on one fantastic run. When you unlock them they appear on the title screen in a lineup. You can play "free mode" that is devoid of eye candy on the side.Other than that you can visit the settings to change the theme from colored diamonds to lollipop circles or numbers. The numbers and lollipops are also colored, so you might as well save your eyes and just use the colored diamonds rather than having to read numbers in a split second that you need to keep your combo going.As for score chasers or achievement hunters, there is a global leaderboard and plenty of achievements. It seems like this game has a high rate of people who have earned the achievements.For a sequel or DLC, I would appreciate more variety in the grids than just the standard 8 x 8 grid for each game. It might also be worth considering a puzzle mode that includes prearranged diamonds on the grid and predetermined color diamonds for you to place you rather than random colors.Romby is simple, easy, engaging and fun with or without the women on the side. For a dollar, its an easy recommendation.. This game is infuriating as well as being addictive. Infuriating in the fact that it is only luck to get past the levels due to having no knowledge of what colour or placement the AI is going to do next and since this is two thirds of the game; the odds are already against you. Addictive due to that one more try syndrome, just hoping you will do it. I got this for something like 90% off so I don't regret it but at full price; there are games which do this type of gameplay far better. Get it in a sale only.. \uc2f8\uac8c \uc0ac\uc11c \ud560\ub9cc\ud55c \uac8c\uc784\uc785\ub2c8\ub2e4. \uc758\uc678\ub85c \uac8c\uc784\uc131\uc774 \ud3c9\ubc94\ud558\ub124\uc694. \ub098\uc060 \uc904 \uc54c\uc558\ub294\ub370.... This game is a short but a great time waster.Pros:+Easy to play+Good achievements+Nice music +Good price+Nice looking young womenCons:-The diamond shape isn't easy on the eyes-Could've used more modes or challenges. Interesting concept, but you just lose after a couple of minutes to random chance. You really have little to no control of what you're doing. There's honestly better for free.



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