About This Game Tragedy! Santa; the toy giving folk-hero, and purveyor of fine Christmas goods, has had enough. Endless requests from greedy children wanting more and more every year, tax increases, pressure from elf unions, bills, reindeer!It is your duty, as an employee of Polar Sanitation Inc, to clean up the grizzly aftermath of Santa's bloody rampage. Elves, reindeer and ruined masonry from Santa's brief breakdown are all strewn across his famous workshop.So don your cap, grab your mop, and get this place sorted out so the company can get a replacement in here ASAP, and restore Christmas for another generation!Key FeaturesJanitorial Simulation - Step into the boots of a space-station (or in this case, North pole) sanitation technician and experience the highs and lows of the job.Santa's Workshop - Explore Santa's infamous workshop and discover the story that lead up to the tragic events you're here to clean up.Clean - It's your job to clean up the mess, so clean it up you shall! Use your trusty mop, gloves, dispenser machines and sniffer tool to help you get all that blood out of the floor! You can even try and punch-out if you think you've done your job.Sandbox Gameplay - Don't want to clean? Just want to make more of a mess and play around with the physics? Go ahead!Multiplayer - You can even enlist some friends/coworkers to come and help you clean up (or make even more mess). Split-screen co-op is available too!Note for Viscera Cleanup Detail purchasers: A Steam key for 'Viscera Cleanup Detail: Santa's Rampage' is provided for FREE to anyone who purchases (or had already pre-ordered) 'Viscera Cleanup Detail', either on the Steam Store or via the Humble Widget on our site.Also note that Santa's Rampage comes included with the main game download of Viscera Cleanup Detail 7aa9394dea Title: Viscera Cleanup Detail: Santa's RampageGenre: Indie, SimulationDeveloper:RuneStormPublisher:RuneStormRelease Date: 13 Dec, 2013 Viscera Cleanup Detail: Santa's Rampage Crack 64 Bit viscera cleanup detail santa's rampage descargar gratis. viscera cleanup detail santa's rampage rooks keep. viscera cleanup detail santa's rampage full indir. viscera cleanup detail santa's rampage how to play multiplayer. viscera cleanup detail santa's rampage jugar gratis. viscera cleanup detail santa's rampage split screen. viscera cleanup detail santa's rampage presents. viscera cleanup detail santa's rampage christmas crisis corrected. viscera cleanup detail santa's rampage coop land. viscera cleanup detail santa's rampage console commands. viscera cleanup detail santa's rampage walkthrough. viscera cleanup detail santa's rampage elf heads. viscera-cleanup-detail-santa's-rampage requisitos. viscera cleanup detail santa's rampage console. viscera cleanup detail santa's rampage oyna. viscera cleanup detail santa's rampage st nicks boomstick. viscera cleanup detail santa's rampage headhunter. viscera cleanup detail santa's rampage ballistic weaponry. play viscera cleanup detail santa's rampage online free. viscera cleanup detail santa's rampage cheats. viscera cleanup detail santa's rampage reindeer nose. viscera cleanup detail santa's rampage descargar. viscera cleanup detail santa's rampage darts. viscera cleanup detail santa's rampage play free. viscera cleanup detail santa's rampage tnt. viscera cleanup detail santa's rampage text to speech. viscera cleanup detail santa's rampage crack. viscera cleanup detail santa's rampage notes. viscera cleanup detail santa's rampage free. viscera cleanup detail santa's rampage the nose knows. viscera cleanup detail santa's rampage tower of babel. viscera cleanup detail santa's rampage speedrun. viscera cleanup detail santa's rampage tips. viscera cleanup detail santa's rampage free game. viscera cleanup detail santa's rampage hileleri. viscera cleanup detail santa's rampage santa hats must die. viscera cleanup detail santa's rampage lag. viscera cleanup detail santa's rampage wiki. viscera cleanup detail santa's rampage sanitized earth This game is a joy.Whistle while you work.Have fun with molotov cocktails!Explosives are great fun!Collect Santa hats and Elf Noggins!You can do it all in this wonderful game.I recommend it all day long and twice on Christmas.I confess, I can't stand elfs. They have a superiority complex.Pointed eared namby pampy jerks.Get um Santa!. This game is fun. If you're gonna play it make sure you either have absolutely nothing else at all on your pc or that you have a super beefy pc. Updated to v1.07!: Hey everyone!Whew! We finally finished the Viscera Cleanup v1.07 update, and as such, lots of the changes have been added to Santa's Rampage.Also: please remember that Santa's Rampage is included FREE with Viscera Cleanup Detail. Updated to v1.075: Hi all!We've just uploaded a small update which fixes a couple things from v1.07. Changes below:Game:Fixed mouse cursor being frozen, usually upon entering the "Options Menu".UI:Fixed Debriefing screen stamp showing "Granted" in the event that you make a truly terrible mess, instead of "Company Liquidated".Have a great weekend!. Update v1.09 live!: Yule Tide greetings, elflings! What, it's not Christmas yet? I could have sworn...At any rate, Santa --while still on the run-- has left a small package in the form of a minor update for Santa's Rampage.Normally I'd advise against opening packages from Santa, but judging by the contents tag on the side, it's probably fine, see:Game:Overhauled the trophy collection and trunk transfer systems, hopefully resolving the duplication and vanishing item issues once and for all.Fixed Player Gibs not using level-specific overlay masks; Santa Gloves + Boots.Fixed items in the Janitor Trunk counting against the Sanitized Earth achievement. Trunk Contents no longer matter, and neither do Brooms.Fixed collected elves snapping upright when loading up the Janitor Office.Fixed elf corpses sometimes snapping upright when loading a saved-game.Multiplayer:Made several experimental changes that 'may' improve network connectivity.Fixed clients' Always Run setting being overridden by the server, resulting in very "steppy" movement.Fixed Trunk contents not appearing in the trunk when clients first connect.Disabled File Transfers when connecting to games that have content you do not.Assuming you still have all your limbs, you can probably see there are a number of key fixes in this update.One of which is that the Sanitized Earth achievement was a bit messed up, making it hard to get.The other thing was collecting items with the Janitor Trunk, that should hopefully be resolved now too.Well, that's all I wanted to say. Best you get back to that workshop, those little elven faces aren't going to wipe their own tears away anymore, you'll have to do it.. Update v1.091 has come in from the cold!: Greetings noble festive sanitary saints!I bring forth a tidy gift stolen from Santa's sleigh, a small update for Santa's Rampage.This update brings with it mainly fixes, so nothing too terrifying.Included in the v1.091 update are some improvements as well.Read on for the full(albeit fairly short) list.Game:Reduced startup memory usage, helping to eleviate the "Ran out of Virtual Memory" crash issue.Fixed issue with P.I.D names being replaced with random ones if the game is saved before the P.I.D has been picked up at least once.Fixed controller input getting stuck on the Janitor PDA when switching weapons; interacting with PDA now uses Trigger keys, and not Shoulder keys.Fixed Escape Menu pause lock-up when playing splitscreen.UI:Added Key Bindings for Next and Previous tools to Controls Menu.Improved navigation in Options menu, making it possible to scroll from the OK button up to the last item in the list.And there you have it.May you all have a truly splendid holiday, filled with eviscerated elves and surprise packages from Santa that really should have been scanned before being handed out to the children...Hmm, got a bit carried away there.Have a good one everyone!. Santa's Rampage: update v1.024: Greetings everyone!This update brings with it a much requested "save game" function, and some small physics adjustments.To save the game, simply open the in-game menu, and press "Save Game". You can then load it for either single or multi-player from the main menu. Just press the "Restore" text next to the Singleplayer or Multiplayer buttons.. Major Update v1.05 at long last!: Greetings everyone!Wow, it sure has been a long time, almost one and a half years to be exact...At any rate, we finally have a major update for Santa's Rampage; version 1.05The most important thing to know about this is that the game has been updated to the new base of Viscera Cleanup Detail.This means all the same fixes and systems used in the main game are now present in this standalone.Huge improvements have been made to the network, the physics, achievements, and various other things.There are also many new features as a result.Foremost among these is the "Office". No longer do you simply clock off and get a briefing on your performance, instead you are now taken to a separate level where you can keep items you bring with in your Janitor's Trunk. There you will be shown more detailed information about what you did wrong(if anything).Another thing worthy of mention, the single male Janitor of the past has been given another 18 companions! You will randomly appear as one of 19 different Janitors, including 9 possible female janitors!There are also a bunch of other features and countless new UI options, so go have a look!A detailed change-log was not kept of the changes, as it's really hard to tell.If there was one, it would be very, very long.So there you have it. If other things need to be changed, there will be more updates to follow.Enjoy everyone!. Santa's Rampage Update v1.022: A quick update mainly to deal with limbs jamming the bin machine.Fixed viscera physics getting stuck in the bin machineAdded option to select 64 bit exe when launching game from Steam. Santa's Rampaged Update: v1.021: Viscera Cleanup Detail: Santa's Rampage has just been updated. v1.021 changes include:Updated to 2013-07 UDKAdded 64bit executableFixed knives easily sinking into floorImproved net synchronizing contents of bins and other containersFixed several problems with objects getting stuck in walls and floorsFixed radio spawning in the stoolMade it possible to get the "Cleanliness is Godliness" and "Christmas Crisis Corrected" achievements at the same time.Made all players recieve cleanup achievements when any one player uses the punchout machine.Added new scaleability settings to UI, including Shadow Quality and Antialiasing.Various other smaller fixes.
Viscera Cleanup Detail: Santa's Rampage Crack 64 Bit
Updated: Mar 19, 2020